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Anxin BBQ Sausage 安心上等烧烤肉肠

RM 14.00
Anxin BBQ Sausage 安心上等烧烤肉肠 Ratings: 0 - 0 votes

Quality sausage. Traditionally tasty & unbeatable bite. 

  • No added growth hormone 
  • No antibiotic 
  • Made with premium cuts of pork 
  • Source of protein 
  • Fully cooked BBQ sausages are one of the best treats on a casual mealtime. 

Everyone loves them be it on a barbecue pit or on a morning’s breakfast table. Made from finely minced fresh pork, these sausages are spiced and encased in a natural collagen casing, smoked and perfectly cooked. The meaty, smoky browned sausage is full of flavours and requires very little preparation. It is so tender and delicious with every bite. Grill it patiently over low heat to bring out its original smoky flavour and you’ll be amazed of what a cocktail sausage brings you on your plate. 

烧烤香肠也是我家的爆单产品,每天都是坚持用新鲜的猪肉加上采用德国进口的设备打造出国际标准的食品。采用了天然动物肠衣除了让口感比较Q弹,还能锁住肉汁。香肠在你的口里爆开那瞬间,肉汁渗透你口腔里散发出淡淡的BBQ 味道,那满足感让你停不了口吃了一条接一条。 建议:最好用沸水解冻和煮到半熟,然后用中低火煎或烤,直到肠衣表面开始烧焦就能上桌。

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