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Anxin Chorizo Sausage 安心上等西班牙香肠

RM 19.00
Anxin Chorizo Sausage 安心上等西班牙香肠 Ratings: 0 - 0 votes

Quality sausage. Traditionally tasty & unbeatable bite. 

  • No added growth hormone 
  • No antibiotic 
  • Made with premium cuts of pork 
  • Source of protein 
  • Fully cooked 

Cooking Suggestion: Boil sausage until half cooked approximately 2 minutes, mid heat. Remove and pan fry/grill/bake with or without oil until browned. Do not cut or burst the casing as the juice may dry up in the sausage. 

This traditional thick German pork sausage is typically pale in colour as it is cooked in a way to preserve its original flavours. This famous sausage is made with fresh pork meat and marinated with other natural spices using only authentic recipes. It is coarse in texture and best grilled over low heat to bring out its original flavours. These sausages are definitely a crowd pleaser while the meat is firm, it makes every bites chewy and memorable. 

传统的德国厚身猪肉香肠通常在烹制时会变色,以保持其原始风味。 这种著名的烧烤香肠是采用德国最传统的做法,新鲜的猪肉制成,并仅使用地道的配方与其他天然香料腌制而成,天然肠衣不但使香肠增天口感还能把肉汁锁住。 它的质地粗糙,最好用低火烧烤,以散发其原始风味。不要小看它白白没有颜色, 这香肠绝对是一道令人愉悦的食物,它的肉比较有质感,每一口都嚼到最纯扑的味道真令人难以忘坏。 建议:最好用沸水解冻和煮到半熟,然后用中低火煎或烤,直到肠衣表面开始烧焦就能上桌。

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