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Anxin German Pepper Sausage 安心德国黑胡椒香肠

RM 19.00
Anxin German Pepper Sausage 安心德国黑胡椒香肠 Ratings: 0 - 0 votes

Quality sausage. Traditionally tasty & unbeatable bite. 

  • No added growth hormone 
  • No antibiotic 
  • Made with premium cuts of pork 
  • Source of protein 
  • Fully cooked 

Cooking Suggestion: Boil sausage until half cooked approximately 2 minutes, mid heat. Remove and pan fry/grill/bake with or without oil until browned. Do not cut or burst the casing as the juice may dry up in the sausage. 

The perfect combination of fresh juicy pork and cracked black pepper adds a little ‘kick’ to these delicious sausages. The addition of high-quality herbs and black pepper makes the sausages taste spicier and packed with natural rich meaty flavours. It is definitely a gourmet treat on a table with some cold beer or an addition to your favourite pasta. Grill, fry or oven bake them until browned to add in extra smoky taste to your hearty delicious sausage platter. 

黑胡椒香肠是德国香肠里有德高望重的地位。我们是采用德国人传统配方把新鲜多汁的猪肉配合黑胡椒粒加上少量的调味料,再用天然肠衣把肉汁和黑胡椒味锁住。优质黑胡椒的添加使香肠的口感更加辛辣,并充满了天然丰富的肉味。通过烧烤,油煎的方法烤至焦黄,绝对是在桌上搭配一些冷啤酒或您最喜欢的面食,真的是人世间的美食佳肴。 建议:最好用沸水解冻和煮到半熟,然后用中低火煎或烤,直到肠衣表面开始烧焦就能上桌。

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